Trauma Informed Breathwork.

Activate the breath, connect with your intuition, find answers and clarity as we dive into the subconscious mind.

Breathwork is a transformational practice that supports us to delve into the unconscious body. I am really passionate about sharing the power of breathwork with you all. Whether you feel stuck, need to shift stagnant emotion or feel ready to get deeper in the ‘work’, then breathwork is for you.

I am a qualified trauma informed breath work facilitator and use my skills as a psychotherapist and yoga teacher to support you to delve deeper. During the breath work session we are using 2 part breath (Conscious Connected Breath) and 3 part breath (Transformational Breath) technique to oxygenate the body to sink deeper into the unconscious body.

What is Breathwork?

Simply put, Breathwork is a form of active meditation that deepens your connection to mind, body, soul. Through using conscious breathing patterns, we can access the subconscious, uncovering old thought patterns and beliefs, releasing heavy emotion, and literally rewiring our nervous system.

While there are many techniques that make up Breathwork, I typically teach and focus on the 3-part circular breath set to music.

How Can It Benefit you?

It's hard to describe the magic of breathwork; however, some tangible effects, include:

Body / Physical: Detoxing the body, helping bring in more alkalinity and offsetting acidity, releasing physical pain from the body, assisting in proper digestion, feeding oxygen to the blood, muscles, organs and brain and boosting immunity.

Mind/Emotions: Releasing stored up anger, anxiety, depression, and other heavy emotions, gaining clarity of thought, releasing oxytocin and endorphins, and shifting into a deeper level of love and forgiveness for yourself and others.

Soul: Gaining inner wisdom and connecting deeply with your soul's purpose, being more present and in love with this moment, and surrendering to what is and allowing more abundance, flow and ease.

How can we Work Together?

One to One Sessions:

One to one breath work sessions are tailored to YOU. They are the perfect opportunity to delve deeper in a supported and held space. Sessions are 90minutes and involve intention setting and integration so anything that may come to surface can be processed and held by a qualified therapist. These sessions can feel perfect if you want to privately process and make shifts in yourself. Sessions can be one off or block bookings.

Pricing: £75 per session or £400 for 6 sessions.

Group Sessions:

Group sessions are between 2 hours and 90minutes depending on whether they are online or in the River Room, Halton Mill. They are small groups of maximum 8 people so that they stay intimate. Group sessions are a great way to experience a breath work session and connect with like minded people. As well as the breath session they involve journalling, intention settting and group integration.

Pricing: £33

Next in person: 10th September, 10am-12.15pm, At The River Room

Online: 8th October, 10am-12pm, Via Zoom

For more information or to book a session, email me on or text 07944637135.